Jamrock is a framework for the server-side,

  1. It compiles your .html files into components, the markup is transformed into objects that can be called to produce something like an AST.
  2. The server will execute them against the request, the resulting changes are sent as JSON or HTML depending on the context.
  3. The browser will render the HTML as is, but if JavaScript is available the framework will take the JSON response and patch the DOM with the changes, resulting on smoother updates.

Want to give it a try?

Use the script below to download the package and uncompress it locally at your $HOME.

curl -L get.jamrock.dev | bash
jamrock init my-app
cd my-app
bin/node dev

You should get something like this:

■ Jamrock v0.0.0 (node v18.12.1)
Processing ./pages to ./build
Listening on http://localhost:8080

Open that URL in your browser and explore!

Continue reading the available documentation.